I finally got a domain I like – Patrick.Dev and after several try-and-fail attempts to configure WordPress, succeeded creating it under BlueHost provider. Which actually not only saved me a few bucks but was also extremely easy to install and configure and have reach configuration options available (plugins, themes, statistics, etc.). Recommended! Anyway, here is ...
Another question: how to add a monitored DC via Varonis PowerShell module? I have to disappoint a little here, as though the cmdlet exists, its interface required improvement (in queue). I wouldn’t recommend using its current version, but if you are must – then go ahead (it is working and supported – e.g. for any ...
Domain object has various properties, which unfortunately not always correspond to their titles in UI. That’s because UI titles tend to change with a time and translations, but API doesn’t change. One of the properties that is often asked to change is “Monitor Accounts”: The corresponding property in domain object is called IsActive and can be ...
Introduction In general, many cmdlets are returning a command id, which can be then used to test if the process completed or not. Example cmdlets that do that – Add-FileServer, Set-FileServer and similar for probes, collectors and domains. Also Start-VaronisJob does the same. Checking for completion and errors To test if the job has completed, pass the result of those ...
Starting from version 6.2, it is possible to add or set a filer server as decommissioned – means the physical server doesn’t exist anymore but its metadata is still required. PowerShell also supports editing such servers, but ability to actually add a new server as decommissioned was added only in 6.3.170 (currently excluding Exchange and SharePoint ...
The question was – how to enumerate all shares in Varonis DatAdvantage system using API. In Varonis PowerShell API, each file server is represented as an object, which has a list of entry points (shares, volumes, site collections, etc.). The property accessor to this list called Volumes. So it is possible to simply get the list ...
Some libraries (such as RF24) write all kind of debug and trace information to stdout. But the debugging option in Arduino is Serial.print alike. So we need to redirect everything written into stdout to Serial. Here is the code: [crayon-67ccfef8704f2802680532/] Source.
How to add Windows file server by using Varonis PowerShell? It is rather easy, following the same guidelines as outlined in first post: call to New-WindowsFileServer to create a new object and then Add-FileServer to commit the changes. Going deeper – we can explore various configuration options of the object returned by New-WindowsFileServer. It contains property Config which ...
For one of the projects I needed to re-create a VM over and over. So at some point it was very annoying to do the same dumb work more than twice. I have decided to write a PowerShell script that does that for me. Of course I didn’t stop with a single VM, instead came up ...